Wednesday, January 8, 2014

don't let go

Christ will never give up on us.

Even if we leave Him, even if we force ourselves to completely forget Him and shut Him out of our lives... He still loves us just the same.
His love for us is eternal.
Even when ours is not.

Even when we turn our back on Him,
He is still there to pick us up when we fall.
Even if we give ourselves the credit for succeeding.
Even when we betray Him,
He will still wipe away our tears.
Even when we tell ourselves how strong we are and that we can do it on our own.

He will sit with us.
He will listen to us.
He will hold us.
He will carry us.
We can't let go, we can't.
He cannot be a convenience or a nicety in our lives.
He must be our everything.
We must be willing to give Him our all. Even if that means the suffering and the pain and the sickness and the affliction, because He knows how that is.
He's the only One who can and will ever know exactly how you feel at any given point in time.

Hold onto Him.
Don't let Him go, it's not worth it.
I promise you will be so much happier if you just keep Him close to you.
The happiest I've ever been is when I'm the closest to my Heavenly Father and my Savior.

I love my Savior.
I love my God.
And I love this gospel.
I know I'm not perfect, I won't be for a very long time.
But I have a perfect knowledge that God is real, and that His Son Jesus Christ came to this earth to suffer and die for me.

Thank goodness I have this gospel in my life. <3